Educational chatbots for project-based learning: investigating learning outcomes for a team-based design course Full Text In conversations with other people, we routinely ask for clarifying details, repeat ideas in different ways, allow a conversation to go in unexpected directions, and guide others back to the topic at hand. For example, if you are using a […]

Many products and services have been introduced which make it more convenient for those who use or are new to crypto; however, the increased rate of adoption and use has led to an increase in hacks and thefts. In its annual analysis of cryptocurrency theft, blockchain analysts at Chainalysis found that 2022 was the worst […]

Один из ключевых элементов даосского учения, связанного как с достижением долголетия, так и с гармонией тела и духа – понятие ци . Ци можно определить как жизненную энергию, текущую по невидимым каналам внутри нашего организма. Поскольку дао невидимо и действует за сценой, его невозможно полностью познать с помощью разума и логических рассуждений. Попытки интеллектуально […]