how to calculate variable costs

Your total variable cost is equal to the variable cost per unit, multiplied by the number of units produced. Your average variable cost is equal to your total variable cost, divided by the number of units produced. If companies ramp up production to meet demand, their variable costs will increase as well. If these costs increase at a rate that exceeds the profits generated from new units produced, it may not make sense to expand.

how to calculate variable costs

Why should I know the variable costs for my business?

  1. But, for the most part, businesses fall into one of these two camps.
  2. Variable costs are expenses that vary depending on the volume of goods or services your business produces.
  3. Still, it’s also vital to understand the most important cost so that a business owner can ensure they’re not breaking even on their expenses.
  4. Variable costing focuses more on short-term decision-making because it avoids fixed manufacturing costs.

The following list contains common examples of variable expenses incurred by companies. Below, we discuss what variable costs are, why they’re important, and how you can calculate them. Put simply, it all comes down to the fact that the more you sell, the more money you need to spend. This includes marketing and sales campaigns to reach more customers, the production costs of more goods, and the time and money required for new product development.

Production Equipment

It’s a good idea to make a list of these costs so that you can revisit them later when you run through this exercise at a later date. The more products your company sells, the more you might pay in commission to your salespeople as they win customers. High operating leverage can benefit companies since more profits are obtained from each incremental dollar of revenue generated beyond the break-even point.

how to calculate variable costs

The HubSpot Customer Platform

For example, a company executive’s base salary would be considered a fixed cost because the dollar amount owed by the company is outlined in an employment contract signed by the relevant parties. If this number becomes negative, you’ve passed the break-even point and will start losing money on every sale. Variable costs are usually viewed as short-term costs as they can be adjusted quickly. For example, if a company is having cash flow issues, it may immediately decide to alter production to not incur these costs. If you’re here to better understand the term ‘Variable Costs’, you’re at the right place. This article helps you to understand exactly that and takes you through how to calculate it and examples to illustrate the term for you.

Variable Cost Per Unit Formula

Managing variable costs helps in many important decisions such as setting the product’s sales price, analyzing the cost expenditure and therefore reducing overheads, planning a production budget etc. Companies who have high variable costs are more likely to have lower profit margins but they are also companies that can achieve the breaking point very easily. We will go into the details of variable costs, the examples of variable costs and calculating variable costs for your business with examples.

This information helps companies make informed decisions, plan for the future and develop cost forecasts to stay profitable. Variable costing focuses on calculating the costs that vary with changes in production levels. Variable cost is one of the two major cost categories that you’ll find in nearly every business endeavor.

However, the money paid to workers based on the number of units they produce or hours they work is variable as it changes depending on the activity level. Variable costs are directly related to the cost of production of goods or services, while fixed costs do not vary with the level of production. Variable costs are commonly designated as COGS, whereas fixed costs are not usually included in COGS. Fluctuations in sales and production levels can affect variable costs if factors such as sales commissions are included in per-unit production costs. Meanwhile, fixed costs must still be paid even if production slows down significantly.

Bob has to pay rent and insurance monthly no matter how many dishes he serves and whether anything gets served at all, so these are his fixed costs. However Bob also needs to buy cooking ingredients, pay his staff their hourly wages, and cover electric and water bills. All of these vary depending on how many guests come to the restaurant, how much food they order and how extensively his kitchen is used. Moreover, single entry bookkeeping system Bob has recently introduced a delivery service and therefore has to pay for gas and car repair which also depend on the volume of call-in orders. Calculate the total variable costs, by multiplying the total output by the variable costs per unit produced. To calculate the total amount of variable costs incurred, one will need to multiply the final output produced by the variable cost per unit of output.

Variable costs are the costs incurred to create or deliver each unit of output. So, by definition, they change according to the number of goods or services a business produces. It’s amazing how Uber has been able to convince Wall Street that it is primarily a fixed cost tech platform. It is in fact, a primarily variable-cost-based business, which has huge ramifications for how it can and should operate.