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Microsoft is synonymous with business IT for a reason: they’re constantly pushing the envelope when it comes to how we work and communicate. With the new Office 2016, Microsoft is offering even more convenient and effective ways to improve workflow, increase productivity, and make your life easier.
Have you taken a look at all that Office 2016 has to offer yet?
Reach out to The Data Center at or (518) 459-DATA (3282) to discuss the best solutions and services to remove obstacles and push your business forward.
Office 2016 will be constantly evolving, adding new tools and features as it grows, so you’re always benefiting from new ways to streamline work and keep quality high. Some new features are application-specific, while others unite your most relied-on tools, like Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
What’s New?
Give your business all the benefits it deserves with Microsoft Office 2016. Get in touch with The Data Center at or (518) 459-DATA (3282) to learn more.